Neak Mohammad Akbari
Neak Mohammad Akbari son of Gul Mohammad Ormar is From Taqi village Barki Barak district Logar province
He started his Science Taqwa High school in the year of 2001.
He has started a Bachelor study in Salam University in 2012 and graduated from the faculty of Bachelor in Computer Science in 2016.
He has started Mastery in Finance/Management Administration study at Kardan University in 2017 and graduated MBA.
He has worked from 2005-2019 in many companies in different positions and OFC Engineering, Nangarhar Regional Manager, Balkh Regional Manager, Kabul Regional Manager, and Vice Project Manager Maintenance and Operation in ZTE and Watan Telecom
Now optic Communications Managing Director from 2012 14 years’ experience of OFC and administrative section